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Logo of the DOCa RIOJA
The natural factors, climate, especially, and I occur, they have determined the division of the Rioja in three subzones: Rioja Alta: With a continental moderate climate, of Cantabrian influence, the vineyard spreads on clayey calcareous areas of soft topography. Stands out the vine-stock Tempranillo, which provides stained balanced wines, of attractive color ruby, elegant aroma, stable, specially indicated for upbringing. Rioja Baja: The climate and the fertile nature of the area provide very good crops, with a few perfectly mature grapes. The driest climate, of Mediterranean influence, and clayey ferrous soil there favor the red wines of Robe, wines Francs, aromatics and slightly acid. Rioja Alavesa: They are these rough, calcareous lands very adapted for the culture of the grapevine; the summers are short and the moderate winters, with some frost but few snow. The vineyard is orientated in the southern part, protected by the Saw of Cantabria. This zone elaborates stained wines with the Tempranillo that so much young women (of harvester) since submitted to upbringing high levels of quality reach.

Vintages of the wine region

E-Excellent # VG-Very Good # G-Good # R-Regular # D-Deficient #
Area 2025 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 1982 1981 1980 1979 1978 1977 1976 1975 1974 1973 1972 1971
Show Details RIOJA qualified Designation of Origin

Zone of production

Álava:Baños de Ebro, Barriobusto, Cripán, Elciego, Elvillar de Álava, Labastida, Labraza, Laguardia, Lanciego, Lapuebla de Labarca, Leza, Moreda de Álava, Navaridas, Oyón, Salinillas de Buradón, Samaniego, Villabuena de Álava, Yécora

Burgos:Miranda de Ebro

Navarra:Andosilla, Aras, Azagra, Bargota, Mendavia, San adrián, Sartaguda, Viana

La Rioja:Ábalos, Agoncillo, Aguilar del Río Alhama, Albelda, Alberite, Alcanadre, Aldeanueva de ebro, Alesanco, Alesón, Alfaro, Anguciana, Arenzana de Abajo, Arenzana de Arriba, Arnedillo, Arnedo, Arrúbal, Ausejo, Autol, Azofra, Badarán, Bañares, Baños de Rioja, Baños de Río Tobía, Berceo, Bergasa, Bergasilla, Bezares, Bobadilla, Briñas, Briones, Calahorra, Camprovín, Cañas, Canillas, Cárdenas, Casalarreina, Castañares de Rioja, Cellórigo, Cenicero, Cervera del Río Alhama, Cidamón, Cihuri, Cirueña, Clavijo, Cordovín, Corera, Cornago, Cuzcurrita de Río Tirón, Daroca de Rioja, El redal, El Villar de Arnedo, Entrena, Estollo, Foncea, Fonzaleche, Fuenmayor, Galbárruli, Galilea, Gimileo, Grávalos, Haro, Herce, Herrramélluri, Hervías, Hormilla, Hormilleja, Hornos de Moncalvillo, Huércanos, Igea, Lagunilla de Jubera, Lardero, Leiva, Leza del Río Leza, Logroño, Manjarrés, Matute, Medrano, Molinos de Ocón, Murillo de Río Leza, Muro de Aguas, Nájera, Nalda, Navarrete, Ochánduri, Ocón (la Villa), Ollauri, Pradejón, Préjano, Quel, Ribafrecha, Rincón de Soto, Rodezno, Sajazarra, San Asensio, San Millán de Yécora, San Torcuato, San Vicente de la Sonsierra, Santa Coloma, Santa Engracia de Jubera, Santa Eulalia Bajera, Sojuela, Sorzano, Sotés, Tirgo, Tormantos, Torrecilla Sobre Alesanco, Torremontalbo, Treviana, Tricio, Tudelilla, Uruñuela, Ventosa, Villalba de Rioja, Villamediana de Iregua, Villar de Torre, Villarejo, Villarroya, Zarratón.


Though small in extension, the natural region of Rioja possesses different soils and climatic zones. This aspect favors the development of the grapevine, since it provides to him different characteristics that stamp the peculiarity of our wines. As the area of Rioja descends from west to this one, the climate becomes increasingly dry and hot due to the influence of the Mediterranean.

Stained Varieties

Authorized: Robe, Graciano, Mazuela

Preferential: Tempranillo

White Varieties

Authorized: Malmsey wine of Rioja, White Robe, Chardonnay, Sauvignon blanc, Verdejo, white Maturana, white Tempranillo

Preferential: Viura

Types of wine

  • Stained Wine. In the stained wines elaborated with peeled grape, will have to be used, as minimum, 95% of grape of the varieties Tempranillo, Robe Dyes, Graciano and Mazuelo. In the stained wines elaborated with entire grape, this percentage will be, as minimum, 85%.
  • White Wine. In the production of white wines white Maturana and white Tempranillo will use exclusively grapes of the varieties Viura, White Robe, Malmsey wine. Likewise there will be used grapes of the varieties Chardonnay, Sauvignon blanc and Verdejo, though none of them will be able to be predominant in the final product.
  • Pink Wine. a minimum of 25% will be used of grapes of varieties Tempranillo, Robe Dyes, Graciano and Mazuelo. In case there were used the varieties Chardonnay, Sauvignon blanc or Verdejo, there will will to be born in mind the limitation established in the previous paragraph.

Regulatory Advice

Regulatory Advice of the D.O.Ca. "RIOJA"

Estambrera, 52

26006 - LOGRONO


Tel.: 941 500 648 - Fax: 941 500 672


Wineries List

Bodegas Aldonia

RIOJA qualified Designation of Origin

Navarrete-La RiojaLa Rioja

Bodegas Alicia Rojas

RIOJA qualified Designation of Origin

Ausejo-La Rioja

Bodegas Alonso González, S.L.

RIOJA qualified Designation of Origin

Ábalos-La RiojaLa Rioja

Bodegas Alore, S.L.

RIOJA qualified Designation of Origin


Bodegas Altanza, S.A.

RIOJA qualified Designation of Origin

Fuenmayor -La RiojaLa Rioja

Bodegas Altona

RIOJA qualified Designation of Origin

Cordovín-La RiojaLa Rioja

Bodegas Altos de Rioja Viticultores y Bodegueros, S.L.

RIOJA qualified Designation of Origin

Laguardia-ÁlavaPaís Vasco

Bodegas Altos del Marqués

RIOJA qualified Designation of Origin

Hornos de Moncalvillo-La Rioja

Bodegas Altún

RIOJA qualified Designation of Origin

Baños de Ebro-ÁlavaPaís Vasco

Bodegas Amaren

RIOJA qualified Designation of Origin

Villabuena de Alava-ÁlavaPaís Vasco


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