Vintages of the wine region
Area | 2025 | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994 | 1993 | 1992 | 1991 | 1990 | 1989 | 1988 | 1987 | 1986 | 1985 | 1984 | 1983 | 1982 | 1981 | 1980 | 1979 | 1978 | 1977 | 1976 | 1975 | 1974 | 1973 | 1972 | 1971 |
Zone of production
Álava:Baños de Ebro, Barriobusto, Cripán, Elciego, Elvillar de Álava, Labastida, Labraza, Laguardia, Lanciego, Lapuebla de Labarca, Leza, Moreda de Álava, Navaridas, Oyón, Salinillas de Buradón, Samaniego, Villabuena de Álava, Yécora
Burgos:Miranda de Ebro
Navarra:Andosilla, Aras, Azagra, Bargota, Mendavia, San adrián, Sartaguda, Viana
La Rioja:Ábalos, Agoncillo, Aguilar del Río Alhama, Albelda, Alberite, Alcanadre, Aldeanueva de ebro, Alesanco, Alesón, Alfaro, Anguciana, Arenzana de Abajo, Arenzana de Arriba, Arnedillo, Arnedo, Arrúbal, Ausejo, Autol, Azofra, Badarán, Bañares, Baños de Rioja, Baños de Río Tobía, Berceo, Bergasa, Bergasilla, Bezares, Bobadilla, Briñas, Briones, Calahorra, Camprovín, Cañas, Canillas, Cárdenas, Casalarreina, Castañares de Rioja, Cellórigo, Cenicero, Cervera del Río Alhama, Cidamón, Cihuri, Cirueña, Clavijo, Cordovín, Corera, Cornago, Cuzcurrita de Río Tirón, Daroca de Rioja, El redal, El Villar de Arnedo, Entrena, Estollo, Foncea, Fonzaleche, Fuenmayor, Galbárruli, Galilea, Gimileo, Grávalos, Haro, Herce, Herrramélluri, Hervías, Hormilla, Hormilleja, Hornos de Moncalvillo, Huércanos, Igea, Lagunilla de Jubera, Lardero, Leiva, Leza del Río Leza, Logroño, Manjarrés, Matute, Medrano, Molinos de Ocón, Murillo de Río Leza, Muro de Aguas, Nájera, Nalda, Navarrete, Ochánduri, Ocón (la Villa), Ollauri, Pradejón, Préjano, Quel, Ribafrecha, Rincón de Soto, Rodezno, Sajazarra, San Asensio, San Millán de Yécora, San Torcuato, San Vicente de la Sonsierra, Santa Coloma, Santa Engracia de Jubera, Santa Eulalia Bajera, Sojuela, Sorzano, Sotés, Tirgo, Tormantos, Torrecilla Sobre Alesanco, Torremontalbo, Treviana, Tricio, Tudelilla, Uruñuela, Ventosa, Villalba de Rioja, Villamediana de Iregua, Villar de Torre, Villarejo, Villarroya, Zarratón.
Though small in extension, the natural region of Rioja possesses different soils and climatic zones. This aspect favors the development of the grapevine, since it provides to him different characteristics that stamp the peculiarity of our wines. As the area of Rioja descends from west to this one, the climate becomes increasingly dry and hot due to the influence of the Mediterranean.
Stained Varieties
Authorized: Robe, Graciano, Mazuela
Preferential: Tempranillo
White Varieties
Authorized: Malmsey wine of Rioja, White Robe, Chardonnay, Sauvignon blanc, Verdejo, white Maturana, white Tempranillo
Preferential: Viura
Types of wine
- Stained Wine. In the stained wines elaborated with peeled grape, will have to be used, as minimum, 95% of grape of the varieties Tempranillo, Robe Dyes, Graciano and Mazuelo. In the stained wines elaborated with entire grape, this percentage will be, as minimum, 85%.
- White Wine. In the production of white wines white Maturana and white Tempranillo will use exclusively grapes of the varieties Viura, White Robe, Malmsey wine. Likewise there will be used grapes of the varieties Chardonnay, Sauvignon blanc and Verdejo, though none of them will be able to be predominant in the final product.
- Pink Wine. a minimum of 25% will be used of grapes of varieties Tempranillo, Robe Dyes, Graciano and Mazuelo. In case there were used the varieties Chardonnay, Sauvignon blanc or Verdejo, there will will to be born in mind the limitation established in the previous paragraph.
Regulatory Advice
Regulatory Advice of the D.O.Ca. "RIOJA"
Estambrera, 52
26006 - LOGRONO
Tel.: 941 500 648 - Fax: 941 500 672
Wineries List
Bodegas Amurrio Barroeta (Finca de la Rica)
RIOJA qualified Designation of Origin
Labastida-ÁlavaPaís Vasco
Bodegas Ángel López Bargondia y otro
RIOJA qualified Designation of Origin
Hormilla-La RiojaLa Rioja
Bodegas Antigua Usanza
RIOJA qualified Designation of Origin
San Vicente De La Sonsierra-La RiojaLa Rioja
Bodegas Antión, S.L. - Grupo Proconsol
RIOJA qualified Designation of Origin
Elciego-ÁlavaPaís Vasco