Wine Pool
Now with the summer, what most want is to go to the beach or pool to cool off, what do you think a pool of wine?. No wonder that in France you can see vending machines around the wine, but it is most striking that some of these, those that sell bulk wine, incorporate a hose and a supplier such as gas stations.
I am a person of simple tastes and never thought of bathing in a wine pool full of people. Of course, the Japanese forerunners of many interesting things, imagined and inaugurated, in the shadow of Mount Fuji, the Wine Spa, which brings another dimension vinothérapie.
The Japanese are known for their love of food and because they love taking baths rare forms. In Yunessun water park offering a bath of red wine, green tea, coffee and even ... noodle soup. These pools are decorated perfectly. For example, the pool of red wine has a bottle of wine of colossal proportions from which heated water flows. The treatment is especially for people who work too many hours, but they can use their short free time.
In the pool, filled our red gold, dozens of customers including men, women and children come together to take advantage of novelty on beauty treatment and health. Youth treatment lasts 15 minutes another benefit of the new treatment would relieve fatigue in people who work long hours, but they can use their short free time.
Who dares to swim in this pool?.