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Administrator: LEDV
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Marco Abella, S.L.

Founded in 2001

Logo from winery Marco Abella, S.L.
Logo of the PRIORATO

The altitude, the soil and the orientation of our vineyards award to each of our terruños an own identity, which is reflected in the wines. Our philosophy consists of achieving that every wine expresses his genuineness, tipicidad and essence, being totally respectful with the environment. The soil of the Priorat provides the only character of mineralidad to the wines of this D.O.. It is an arid area characterized by the presence of strata of slate so called llicorella.

The wines MARCO ABELLA are a clear expression of the terrenos that gives them life. The altitude of our areas they provide to the vineyards a good aeration, which awards to our wines the only freshness and facilitates the practice of the ecological agriculture. The warehouse is placed in one of our terroirs and his structure, with two underground plants, allows us to use the gravity for each of the steps of vinificación. The upbringing takes place underground, to a stable temperature and dampness for the suitable evolution and conservation of the wines.

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Data Winery

Web of winery

Web of winery:

Address of the winery

Address of the winery:
Ctra. Porrera a Cornudella del Montsant, km 0,7 (Porrera - 43739 - Tarragona - Cataluña - España)

Phone winery

Phone winery:
933712407 |

Mobile winery

Mobile winery:

Fax cellar

Fax cellar:

Person in charge of the winery

Person in charge of the winery:
Dª. Olivia Bayés


D. José Luis Ruiz


150 Barrels


23 Acres

Production Capacity

Production Capacity:
30000 liters/year

National Distribution

National Distribution:

International Distribution

International Distribution:

Wine tourism and Shop On-Line

Winery Visits
Winery Visits
Vineyards Visits
Vineyards Visits
Wine tasting
Wine Tastings
No Restaurants
Rural Hotel
No Rural Hotel
On-Line Shop
Has online shop


Vinos tintos: CLOS ABELLA, MAS MALLOLA, LOIDANA. Vinos blancos: ÒLBIA

Associated Wineries

This winery does not have associated other wineries

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Clos Abella

PRIORATO qualified Designation of Origin

The freshness that characterizes him is given by the altitude of the vineyard from which reflects the essence of the terroir of Porrera. Only a careful hand selection of the best grapes from our vineyards organically farmed biodynamically reach and optimized Clos Abella.

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Mas Mallola

PRIORATO qualified Designation of Origin

Mas Mallola reflects the characteristics and essence of the people of Porrera. The influence of soil in the vineyard (the Licorella) and the particular microclimate Porrera reflected in the wines that express the "terroir" combined with a complexity of aromas and well balanced ripe fruit

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PRIORATO qualified Designation of Origin


PRIORATO qualified Designation of Origin


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