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Administrator: LEDV
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Celler Carles Andréu, S.L.

Founded in 1991

Logo from winery Celler Carles Andréu, S.L.
Logo of the CAVA Logo of the CONCA DE BARBERA

The entail that the family Andreu has with the vineyard plucking of the 18th century, when they began his culture in Forès's Mas del Celdoni. At present the family is an owner of approximately eighty hectares of vineyard in the Conca. In the year 1991, Carles Andreu, continuing the familiar tradition, started the wine-cellar that takes his name, located in the former manor of the family Celdoni in the population of Pyre.

In April, 2004 Caves Carles Andreu it inaugurates his new facilities in the same municipality, which there have supposed the restoration of former corrals and stores of lime Celdoni, the excavation and construction of an underground wine-cellar, the plantation of vineyards to his surroundings and the conditioning of a viewing-point placed on the gorge.

La nouvelle cave se compose d'une cave souterraine, une zone d'élaboration, d'un laboratoire, de magasins, de bureaux, sale une des dégustations et des dégustations et une zone de réception et de vente.

Prochainement il disposera aussi d'un centre d'interprétation de la vigne et le vin qui, avec l'aide d'audiovisuels, des panneaux et aussi des ustensiles anciens qui étaient utilisés pour la culture de la vigne, expliquera au visiteur le processus de la culture de la vigne et de l'élaboration postérieure du vin et de il pénètre.

Data Winery

Web of winery

Web of winery:

Address of the winery

Address of the winery:
Sant Sebastià, 19 (Pira - 43423 - Tarragona - Cataluña - España)

Phone winery

Phone winery:
977887404 |

Mobile winery

Mobile winery:
No Data

Fax cellar

Fax cellar:

Person in charge of the winery

Person in charge of the winery:
No Data


No Data


25 Barrels


80 Acres

Production Capacity

Production Capacity:
No Data

National Distribution

National Distribution:

International Distribution

International Distribution:

Wine tourism and Shop On-Line

Winery Visits
Winery Visits
Vineyards Visits
No Vineyards Visits
Wine tasting
No Wine Tasting
No Restaurants
Rural Hotel
No Rural Hotel
On-Line Shop
No online shop



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