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Administrator: Charly
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The zone of production is delimited by the municipal areas, of León's provinces (for the most part) and Valladolid, which the organ of management considers to be suitable for the production of grapes of the varieties authorized with the necessary quality to be destined for the production of these wines.

Vintages of the wine region

E-Excellent # VG-Very Good # G-Good # R-Regular # D-Deficient #
Area 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 1982 1981 1980 1979 1978 1977 1976 1975 1974 1973 1972 1971
Show Details Designation of Origin TIERRA DE LEON

Zone of production

León:Algadefe, Alija del Infantado, Antigua (la), Ardón, Armunia (pd), Bañeza (la), Bercianos del Páramo, Bercianos del Real Camino, Burgo Ranero (el), Cabreros del Río, Calzada del Coto, Campazas, Campo de Villavidel, Castilfalé, Castrocalbón, Castrotierra de Valmadrigal, Cebrones del Río, Chozas de Abajo, Cimanes de la Vega, Corbillos de los Oteros, Cubillas de los Oteros, Fresno de la Vega, Fuentes de Carvajal, Gordaliza del Pino, Gordoncillo, Grajal de Campos, Gusendos de los Oteros, Izagre, Joarilla de las Matas, Laguna de Negrillos, Matadeón de los Oteros, Matanza, Onzonilla, Pajares de los Oteros, Palacios de la Valduerna, Pobladura de Pelayo García, Pozuelo del Páramo, Quintana del Marco, Quintana y Congosto, Riego de la Vega, Roperuelos del Páramo, Sahagún, San Adrián del Valle, San Esteban de Nogales, San Millán de los Caballeros, Santa Cristina de Valmadrigal, Santa Elena de Jamuz, Santa María del Monte Cea, Santas Martas, Santovenia de la Valdoncina, Toral de los Guzmanes, Valdemora, Valderas, Valdevimbre, Valencia de Don Juan, Vallecillo, Valverde Enrique, Vega de Infanzones, Villabraz, Villademor de la Vega, Villamañán, Villamandos, Villamontán de la Valduerna, Villamoratiel de las Matas, Villanueva de las Manzanas, Villaornate y Castro, Villaquejida, Villaturiel, Zotes del Páramo

Valladolid:Becilla de Valderaduey, Bustillo de Chaves, Cabezón de Valderaduey, Castrobol, Castroponce, Cuenca de Campos, Mayorga, Melgar de Abajo, Melgar de Arriba, Monasterio de Vega, Quintanilla del Molar, Roales de Campos, Saelices de Mayorga, Santervás de Campos, Unión de Campos (la), Valdunquillo, Villacid de Campos, Villagomez la Nueva, Villalba de la Loma

Stained Varieties

Authorized: Tempranillo, Robe

Preferential: Blackish Pointed, Mencía

White Varieties

Authorized: Malmsey wine, Dove

Preferential: Verdejo, white Albarín, Godello

Types of wine

  • White Wine. elaborated from a minimum of 50% of grapes of the white Principal varieties. 50 remaining% will correspond to the white authorized varieties.
  • Pink Wine. elaborated from a Blackish Pointed minimum of 60% of grapes of the Principal varieties " and / or Mencía ".40% remaining will correspond to the stained authorized and / or white principal and authorized varieties.
  • Stained Wine. elaborated from a minimum of 60% of grapes of the variety Prieto Picudo and/or Mencía. 40% remaining will be able to distribute between the stained grapes allowed in the article 6.
  • white wine Fermentado in Cask.
  • Stained Wine Matured in Cask or Oak.
  • white wine Crianza.
  • Stained Wine Upbringing.
  • Stained Wine Reserves and Great Reservation.
  • Wine Semidry, Semisweet and Sweet.
  • mellow Wine Alella. wines of qualit liquor.
  • Mistela de Alella. to production of the wines.
  • Alella's sweet natural Wine. wines of liquor.
  • Fondillón.
    1. Muscatel of Alicante.

Regulatory Advice

Regulatory Advice of the D.O. " León's Earth "

Alonso Castrillo, 29

24200 - Valencia de Don Juan

Albacete - Spain

Tel.: 987 751 089 - Fax: 987 750 012

http://www.dotierradeleon.es /

Wineries List

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Bodega Asturleonesa de Vinos, S.L.

Designation of Origin TIERRA DE LEON

Pajares De Los Oteros -LeónCastilla y León

Bodega Campo Redondo

Designation of Origin TIERRA DE LEON

Melgar de Abajo-ValladolidCastilla y León

Bodega Cien Cepas

Designation of Origin TIERRA DE LEON

León-LeónCastilla y León

Bodega Coop. Comarcal del Cea

Designation of Origin TIERRA DE LEON

Mayorga -ValladolidCastilla y León

Bodega Coop. los Oteros

Designation of Origin TIERRA DE LEON

Pajares De Los Oteros -LeónCastilla y León

Bodega Francisco Giganto Martínez

Designation of Origin TIERRA DE LEON

Valencia De Don Juan -LeónCastilla y León

Bodega Francisco González Bernardo

Designation of Origin TIERRA DE LEON

León-LeónCastilla y León

Bodega Gordaliza del Pino, S.L.

Designation of Origin TIERRA DE LEON

Gordaliza Del Pino-LeónCastilla y León

Bodega Gordonzello

Designation of Origin TIERRA DE LEON

Gordoncillo-LeónCastilla y León

Bodega Hijos de José Llamas (LUVA)

Designation of Origin TIERRA DE LEON

Benazolve-LeónCastilla y León

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