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Capacity aphrodisiac wine

There is a positive correlation between moderate red wine consumption and sexual health of men and women.

Aphrodite is the Greek goddess of love and evokes sensuality and pleasure. And substances that evoke these qualities are named as aphrodisiacs. Whether myth or reality, the truth is that there are aphrodisiac and used to stimulate sexual appetite, because they have biochemical compounds, biologically vitamin groups that help to have a better sex life.

Since the dawn of time, has experimented with dietary supplements to amplify sexual desire. Some foods, such as wine and oysters, have a fairly long history, although its success can probably be attributed to alcohol and suggestive manner respectively. While the existence of certain natural aphrodisiacs is up for debate, it is a fact that the consumption of certain foods and beverages can improve our sex life.

Red wine is the most famous in any list of alcoholic drinks that enhance sexual desire, so it is recommended for a perfect prelude to the sexual encounter. It is a powerful disinhibiting and combines perfectly with good food and even provides the opportunity to impress if the couple has little wine knowledge. However, one of the reasons why red wine has been used as an aphrodisiac for thousands of years is the sensual experience involving taste it. The rich smell of grape, deep scarlet color and flavor explosion that hits the palate make anything talk of seduction as well as red wine.

From a nutritional standpoint, red wine has a number of benefits that make it stand out in the field of alcoholic beverages. Because of their contact with the grape skins, has a higher antioxidant content than white wine and moderate alcohol consumption may reduce the risk of blood clots. Red wine also contains resveratrol, a chemical that can lower the risk of heart disease and prevent the loss of cholesterol on the blood vessels.

It is these antioxidants it contains which produce a beneficial vasodilator effect, favoring a greater amount of blood to intimate areas of the body of both men and women.

As you can see, red wine, in addition to a sleek and sophisticated drink is a perfect aphrodisiac. But always drink in moderation, and we should not abuse that can cause the contrary effect besides being harmful to health . The disproportionate and continuous consumption of alcohol causes decreased desire, great anxiety and hypertension.


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