Bodegas Campiña, S.C.C.Y.L.
A score of farmers of the region join to elaborate wine and to save this way to his centenary vineyards of the take-off and the abandon. With this only aim it was in preparation, does already five long years Wineries Campiña Cooperative Company.
What at the time was looking like a chimera, a Utopia, is nowadays a reality that takes form of a few facilities of vinificación measured and to the last one as for technology, and in the first wine on the domestic and international markets.
Data Winery

Web of winery:

Address of the winery:
Ctra. Toro - Venialbo, Km. 6,9 (Valdefinjas - 49882 - Zamora - Castilla y León - España)

Phone winery:
980568125 |

Mobile winery:
No Data

Fax cellar:

Person in charge of the winery:
No Data

No Data

No Data

No Data

Production Capacity:
No Data

National Distribution:

International Distribution:
No Data
Wine tourism and Shop On-Line

Campiña, Sabor Real
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