Bodegas Abel Estebas
It is a Winery of familiar character with a long tradition in the production of wines located in Cordovín (La Rioja), people that gives name to the popular wine known as ' Cordovín's claret '. With a few underground frets excavated by the own Abel, grandfather of the current generation, the Winery counts with more than 100 years of antiquity.
The grape with which they elaborate his wines comes from his 15 hectares of vineyards that take care neatly to offer a few wines of great quality. They elaborate red wine and claret following the traditional method of Carbonic Maceration and a white monovarietal with viura.
Data Winery

Web of winery:
No Data

Address of the winery:
Ctra. Badarán, 38 (Cordovín - 26311 - La Rioja - La Rioja - España)

Phone winery:
941347064 |

Mobile winery:
No Data

Fax cellar:
No Data

Person in charge of the winery:
D. Abel Estebas Cañas

No Data

No Data

15 Acres

Production Capacity:
No Data

National Distribution:

International Distribution:
No Data
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