Bodega Señorío de San Vicente
Nailed in San Vicente de la Sonsierra, Riojan municipality, cradle of big wines, Señorío de San Vicente places. The aim of the family Eguren with this ambitious project is to elaborate a great wine with the fruit of his vine-stocks of tempranillo shagg, a local almost extinguished variety.
Looking for a wine that was showing the whole potential and the speciality of the tempranillo of the Riojan Sonsierra, the family Eguren created in 1991 Señorío de San Vicente, a pioneering Winery in Rioja, with the intention of elaborating an alone wine from the only vineyard planted entirely of an autochthonous almost extinguished variety: tempranillo shaggy, of scanty productivity but with a few properties and characteristics that make her only.
Data Winery

Web of winery:

Address of the winery:
Los Remedios, 27 (San Vicente De La Sonsierra - 26338 - La Rioja - La Rioja - España)

Phone winery:
(34) 941334080 |

Mobile winery:
No Data

Fax cellar:
(34) 941334371

Person in charge of the winery:
D. José Manuel Azofra

D. Marcos Eguren

400 Barrels

18 Acres

Production Capacity:
425000 liters/year

National Distribution:

International Distribution:
Wine tourism and Shop On-Line

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