Bodega Riofrancos Ruíz de Vergara
The Winery Riofrancos Ruiz de Vergara located in Elciego, is a small familiar Winery that shelters in his interior the effort and dedication that for years this one family has dedicated him to his vineyards.
These vineyards are placed in places strategically favoured of Rioja Alavesa. Today per today this one family has obtained a motive the sufficiently good thing to feel proud of his work and well to do: his wine provided with a character and handcrafted personality that allows us to remember a clear presence of the grape and the wine, a wine characterized for being a young and very fruity of alive tones.
Data Winery

Web of winery:
No Data

Address of the winery:
Marqués de Riscal, 21 (Elciego - 01340 - Álava - País Vasco - España)

Phone winery:
No Data

Mobile winery:

Fax cellar:
No Data

Person in charge of the winery:
No Data

No Data

No Data

No Data

Production Capacity:
No Data

National Distribution:

International Distribution:
No Data
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