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Powder Wine

Obwohl es auch klingen mag seltsam und sogar verdreht, jetzt diejenigen, die nicht trinken Alkohol kann in den Genuss von Wein Pulver. Diese Art von Wein ist Pulver eine Firma in Chile, Alfa Chilena SA (Pulver erhalten wiederum Wein führte ihn über 10 Jahre) hergestellt.

The first order was for meat companies as an addition to make sausages and give color and flavor. Henceforth, not only the meat industry was interested in this product, soon joined processors soups, sauces, creams, yogurts, chocolates, ice cream and other common consumer products.

In Japan have been interested in this product. About 5 years ago a visit of Japanese plant led to open their eyes on the real potential it had your product. The Orientals asked if they could dilute in water and used as a beverage, the response was negative by the lack of alcohol, but still they asked a sample of half kilo. It spent two months when I wanted a container.

Cosmetic uses red wine powder also appear promising, due to the high amount of antioxidants, especially flavonoids. In fact, the Japanese sold in capsules to lower cholesterol. This feature is also attracted to one of the largest factories Korean cosmetics to place orders to develop antiaging facial creams, according to them, this component is very good for preventing wrinkles.

The special process that transforms the wine powder called spray drying at low temperatures and can remove water and alcohol, without losing the aroma, color and flavor of the wine in its original state. To give an idea, to obtain 1 kg of powder wine is necessary, for example, five liters of Cabernet Sauvignon liquid wine.




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