Warum Rosen werden in Weinbergen gepflanzt?
Sicherlich, wenn Sie Wine Tourism geübt haben, haben Sie auf mehr als einer Gelegenheit diese Fragen gemacht: Warum manchmal manchmal weißen Rosen gepflanzt und rote Rosen gepflanzt werden? Nun, das ist die Realität, dass es mehrere Gründe für die Rosen in den Weinbergen zu pflanzen.
The first one, maybe not the most satisfying or dominant, but is at the end of the day, as valid a reason as any and is being done to provide an aesthetic appeal to the fields of grapes, giving a better view beautiful and fascinating to those who come to them, either as a tourist or worker.
Many growers of grapes, roses used as distinctive wine name for which these grapes are designed, using the white roses planted when his vineyard grapes are used for the production of white wines, while red roses the sow to the wine-producing vines.
But the most compelling reason and the main why roses are planted in vineyards, is because both the roses and grapes, are susceptible to the same diseases caused by fungus called Powdery Mildew (Oidium) and Downy Mildew (Perenospera) roses being the first to show symptoms, so the tenants will serve as an indicator of potential pests in grapes.
This will allow early deployment of sulfur-based insecticides and other appropriate treatments to prevent the total loss of the plantation and therefore harvest and wine production in that locality.
Major pests that can be avoided in the vineyards, for its early presence in the roses, molds are either powdery mildew or downy mildew. Both the one and the other, if they stay on the vine, will make you completely lose the harvest.
- Powdery Mildew (Oidium) - do not really need rain, humidity and shade just to germinate. He lives on the surface and develops itself in all parts of the strain verder. A temperature of 21°C to 25°C. It comes as a white powder on the surface of the green parts of the vine. And if he attack the grape, it will not grow and will terminate correctramente falling. Spraying with sulfur is fought (sulfur), to prevent, stop and cure the disease. And only operate between 18°C and 35°C.
- Downy Mildew (Perenospera) - Need it rain and lives in the tissue of the vine (not on the surface). You also need a warmer temperature, up to 18°C. It appears as yellow spots on the leaves (which later turn brown) and as a white powder inside. Affected leaves dry up and fall, thereby inhibiting plant photosynthesis. Only you can prevent copper salts, also called the Bordeaux mixture ¨ ¨ but have a purely preventive, and should be applied before the rain starts.
The rose plants have become diseases warn us for the winemaker. For this reason, and inheriting the traditions of our ancestors, today planted roses with vines, and also influence the environment with its intoxicating aroma.