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Papst Francisco trinkt Wein aus Rioja

Aus dem Herzen der Rioja Alta, in der Gemeinde Fuenmayor ( Nordspanien) , direkt an der Vatikanstadt. Die Weine von Bodegas Heras Cordon Rioja Weine sind das nur in dem winzigen Land der katholischen Kirche eingetragen. Misericordias Domini in aeternum cantabo ( " singen immer die Barmherzigkeit des Herrn " , Psalm 88 , 2-38 ) ist das, was jeder von uns Flaschenetiketten beten , que zusammen mit dem Vatikan Wappen , exportiert das Weingut Kirchenstaat.

In 2001 began the relationship with the Vatican. The director of these Rioja bodegas José Luis Heras coincided with Benigno Polo who tasted their wines and opened the gates of Rome. The tradition that began the previous Popes John Paul II and Benedict XVI, remains with Francisco, who keeps this family winery as their sole supplier of Riojas.

A unique privilege enjoyed by Heras-Cordon wines from all Spanish wines and places him as the only Spanish that provides wine cellar for all events organized by the Pope around the world.

These wines are of high quality as the rest of the wines that usually sells this winery, with the only difference that the bottle carries specific labeling with papal logo and the event will be held.

The great work done and maintaining quality over time, are the reasons that led the Holy See to opt for Spanish wine.

To Bodegas Heras Cordon not aware if the Vatican purchase other providers wines Bodegas from France, Italy or Argentina, but it's likely that at least we do Italian wineries. Yes, said they felt proud to be the only Spanish suppliers.

The winery considered to have among its clients receive Pope has caused great interest from other potential buyers from countries where the Catholic faith is in the majority.

Your priority domestic market is mainly in the north of the country in the international arena are positioned in traditional consumer markets came as U.S., Canada, Mexico and most of Europe. In addition, more recently, customers have incorporated emerging countries such as Brazil and China.



Assoziierte Weinkellereien

Bodegas y Viñedos Heras Cordón, S.L.

RIOJA bezeichnung qualifiziert

Fuenmayor -La RiojaLa Rioja


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